ROMANIA RAW, Regensburg

Cineimpact International Film Academy
6-7 October 2017, Regensburg, Germany
a selection of short films mixing 
Art Cinema, Creative Documentary, Visual Anthropology & Social Action
CINEIMPACT Film Academy champions Cinema and Humanity
offering the screenings of 10 interlaced films, organized in 3 sections:
Longocampo Childhoods │ Shelters │ Acts of Becoming
(Longocampo represents the latin name of Campulung Muscel, the first capital around 1300 BC of Wallachia, Romania)

ROMANIA RAW is a micro-festival of non-fiction & hybrid filmmaking, innovating into the co-working in between Cinema and Anthropology, while answering to a world where interlaced arts and knowledge  become more necessary than ever.

The selected films were created, during the Cineimpact IFA training programs, by directors coming from 8 countries such as: Sweden, Italy, Ghana, Spain, England, Brazil, Germany and Romania.

The film screenings will be followed by pulic debates together with the tutors Ger Duijzings, Vintilă Mihăilescu, Ionuţ Piţurescu on the subject: “Experimental methods in cinema”.

ROMANIA RAW – Regensburg, Germany is organized by:
Graduate School for East and South-East European Studies,
University of Regensburg
Ludwig Maximilian University Munchen
German Research Foundation (LMU)
Cineimpact International Film Academy

Looking forward to enjoy together a creative and mindset changing event on
6 & 7 October 2017, 17:00-20:00, Kinos im Andreasstadel
Andreasstraße 28, 93059 Regensburg

ROMANIA RAW Program can be visited here

P.S. Good times are included through the screenings & debates, stay tuned!